Online Resource Path Compress Service (On-going)
a web application ResourcePathCompressor to process long resource path text from user input, leveraged Spring boot, Spring Rest, and Lombok to build the Restful API, exposed through Swagger.
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Implemented a web application ResourcePathCompressor to process long resource path text from user input, leveraged Spring boot, Spring Rest, and Lombok to build the Restful API, exposed through Swagger.
Saved user data and resource information to PostgreSQL using Spring Data/JPA, leveraged flyway for DB migration.
Booted up Redis cluster using Docker, used redis cache service to cache store service results to improve user
Implemented authentication using spring security to support both JWT token and oauth2 with the scope of open id (oidc).
Implemented permit bucket based distributed Rate Limit on the API call to support rate limit service to limit the concurrent requests sent from the client.
Developed the web UI based on React, and Redux, used Axios to send and process HTTP requests from the backend, styling the web page using Bootstrap/Material UI, MUI and tailwindcss.
Used Postman and Junit to test the correctness of results sent back from the service.