Work Experience
Software Developer Intern
03/2023 - present Remote, CA
Worked as a Software Developer Intern in the HireBeat product development team to build a common end-to-end SaaS (Software as a Service) template with AWS+React support.
The SaaS template leveraged AWS web services for deployment, used GraphQL as the services API gateway, and utilized React as the front-end user interface library, also implemented user sign-up and user authentication functionality.
Utilized Pulumi IaC (Infrastructure-as-Code) platform to speed up development & deployment of resources on AWS cloud.
Implemented user sign-up and authentication functionality using AWS IAM Identity Pool, Cognito user pool, and Lambda, and stored user information in the DynamoDB table.
Designed and implemented the serverless GraphQL API gateway using AppSync (GraphQL), Apollo Client, and Lambda.
Built the front-end user interface using React, Redux, and styled the web page using NextJS and Chakra UI.
Leveraged Amplify to build, ship, and host full-stack applications on AWS, taking advantage of the AWS services.

Research Assistant
02/2023 - present Los Angeles, CA
In CHaB labs, I work with other graduate students to help them run network studies on SONA (if you are psychology major, you might participate in a few experiments to get extra credits for your course :)). We study how people interact with each other and corporate with each other through online platforms. There are also some upcoming projects about Algorithms.
Research Assistant
02/2022 - present Los Angeles, CA
Worked as a Research Assistant in the UCLA HiLab (Human-Computer Interaction Lab) to help conduct research and build tools to facilitate the study of Human-Computer Interfaces.
Combined my background in psychology and cognitive science with lab experiment methodologies, read through numerous research articles, and closely annotated 10 data sources per week during the 10-week research period.
Scanned and processed 3D environment information into Matterport, created a duplicate room online, recruited 14 wheelchair users of different disability levels, and collected 489 groups of annotations from four virtual spaces.
Built an ETL pipeline to collect these annotated data, including scanning data, online data, and manually annotated data.
Cleaned and aggregated data, produced summaries to perform exploratory data analysis to support HI research.
Implemented the pipeline using Python/Pandas, extracted data from Excel/CSV files for analysis and classification, and used Matplotlib to generate results.
Acquired an in-depth understanding of data structures and engineered features in Python to formulate research data.
Designed dashboards using Tableau to visualize data results and provide suggestions about the model for the team.

UCLA Computer Store
Customer Service Representative, Technician
02/2022 - present Los Angeles, CA
Identified and resolved equipment malfunctions, working with manufacturers and field representatives as necessary to procure replacement parts.
Provided user applications and engineering support and recommendations for new and existing equipment with regard to installation, upgrades and enhancements.
Participated in training and continuing education activities to stay abreast of engineering and industry advances.
Employed variety of handheld and power tools for troubleshooting equipment and systems.
during working, the store is rated as the #1 Apple on-campus store
help customers with general computer problems
in charge of the computer zone in UCLA Bookstore where all UCLA students and faculties purchase computers and supplies.
Intern, Development Department
04/2021 - 08/2021 Shanghai, China
Worked with teams in charge of all the KFC restaurants in Shanghai.
Renew the data of more than 600 business zones in Shanghai. Use statistical data to determine the potential revenue of the current store location.
Analyze each store’s data and compare it with other fast food restaurants to determine whether our strategies should be changed.
Visit the store to check for surrounding environment and potential risks for our company.
Corporate with other departments to create a new store from data analysis to actual constructions.

Intern, Assistant
02/2020 - 02/2021 Shanghai, China
This program aims for the early detection of women's breast cancer and ensuring that women can have follow-up treatments, if need be.
Mainly in charge of the technical part and helped with more than 5 versions of presentations.
Helped oversee the design of the database that records the health condition of previous patients through suggesting what data should be included and how to show them in the most clear way.
Use artificial intelligence to help doctors increase their efficiency during treatments.
Produce powerpoint to demonstrate the strategies and display it to the local government for corporation.
Intern, Operation Department
06/2020 - 10/2020 Shanghai, China
In charge of producing short-form videos of vegetables and fruits in China. In charge of manage the live stream project.
Research and create the short video about melons in Xinjiang, the video received over 60,000 tiktok viewers
Post over 100 short videos on different social medias include: YouTube, weibo, Tiktok
Led the live stream team to help farmers sell these vegetables and fruits online, receive over RMB1,0000 within half an hour.